Gynecomastia Surgery, 3 Effective Surgical Methods


Gynecomastia means the enlargement of men’s breasts in a way that is disproportionate to other parts of the body and occurs due to the increase of breast tissue and breast fat tissue. In this case, one or both breasts may be enlarged.

 The word “gynecomastia” is derived from the Greek words “gyne” meaning “woman” and “mastia” meaning “breast”.

The main reason for this problem is the existence of a disorder in the endocrine system. As a result, estrogen in the body increases, testosterone decreases, and thus the ratio of estrogen to testosterone increases.

Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, straightens and strengthens chest contours. As an advanced cosmetic surgery, gynecomastia can be a way for men who are facing the problem of breast size to improve their appearance and increase their self-confidence.

In severe cases of gynecomastia, the excess weight of the fatty tissue of the breasts causes the breasts to become droopy and dark. In these cases, the position and size of the nipple and its areola are surgically improved and excess skin is reduced.

Gynecomastia can occur in the age group of infants, young people who are at the age of puberty, as well as the elderly, and the conditions of each of them are different from each other. Gynecomastia in infants and adolescents usually does not require treatment and resolves by itself. If this complication is caused by a drug or disease, stopping the drug or treating the disease often cures gynecomastia. Also, if it is caused by a lack of testosterone and an increase in estrogen, hormonal treatment may be prescribed, and in some cases, the best gynecomastia surgeon should be consulted for its treatment.


In some men, obesity is the reason for large breasts and it is completely normal because this area of ​​the body like other parts of the body is prone to fat storage, it can be said that the presence of the following factors is a sign of gynecomastia:

  • Chest pain
  • Abnormal swelling and enlargement of breast tissue
  • Discharge from one or both breasts
  • Sensitivity to the touch of the breasts
  • The reason for gynecomastia

The reason for gynecomastia

In babies, gynecomastia is caused by estrogen and its transmission from the mother. Breast growth is common in male babies and gradually disappears up to 6 months of age, but in some babies it lasts longer. In immature boys, breast buds are common during puberty and may last up to 2 years, but usually disappear in the first year. Gynecomastia can also be caused by an estrogen-producing tumor.

In teenage boys, gynecomastia is caused by hormonal changes during puberty. Gynecomastia appears in many boys from early puberty to mid-puberty. It usually disappears between 6 months and 2 years.

In adult men, gynecomastia is usually caused by other diseases such as liver or lung cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, an overactive thyroid, or hormonal problems such as cancer of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, or testicles. Alcohol, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin use may also cause gynecomastia. In older men, gynecomastia can be caused by changes in hormone levels.

Problems related to kidney and liver failure are also not ineffective in the occurrence of breast enlargement, so if you are suffering from gynecomastia, there is a possibility that your liver and kidney health is at risk. Surgery is the best treatment for breast reduction.

Ways to detect gynecomastia in men

Gynecomastia is usually diagnosed through a doctor’s examination. When the breast tissue is 2 cm, it indicates gynecomastia in men. Of course, in some circumstances, the doctor may diagnose breast cancer, in which case he uses imaging methods such as mammography and ultrasound. It should be noted that MRI is not used to diagnose breast problems in men.

Methods and techniques used in gynecomastia cosmetic surgery

Gynecomastia is an advanced procedure in breast cosmetic surgery that uses various techniques to improve the shape and size of the breast.

Surgical procedures

Step one: medical consultation and examination

At this point, you meet with a beauty specialist. Your doctor will discuss your medical history with you. Also, physical examinations and chest imaging are done.

Step two: gynecomastia surgery

At this stage, surgery is performed. First, you will be completely or partially unconscious. Then, the surgeon makes a small incision in the designated areas using various techniques. After the operation, the incisions are carefully sutured.

Surgical procedures

Types of surgical procedures

There are various methods for gynecomastia surgery in men, the best method of which will be determined by the cosmetic specialist in the first consultation session.

1) Open surgery method

The cosmetic surgeon makes a small incision around the areola. The scar is not clear; Because it is placed exactly where the skin of the areola connects to the skin of the breast. This procedure makes it possible to remove large male breasts and remove any loose skin. This is also an outpatient surgery.

2) liposuction method in gynecomastia surgery

If gynecomastia is caused by the accumulation of fats and also if the process of breast growth is complete in a person, liposuction can be considered one of the best ways to solve the problem of breast appearance and also to treat gynecomastia.

Many factors are involved in choosing liposuction for the treatment of gynecomastia, the determining factors are: the age of the person, the elasticity of the skin, etc.

In liposuction or lipomatics, anesthetic fluid is injected into the tissue and a cannula (a thin hollow tube) is inserted through a small incision made in the breast area. After inserting the cannula, the cannula is moved back and forth. This controlled action causes the excess fat in the breast area to loosen and all the fat is drained from the breast through the suction process.

3) Excision method in gynecomastia surgery

Excision or surgery to remove breast tissue is recommended when the breast tissue is glandular or in cases where it is necessary to remove the skin from the breast area to correct gynecomastia conditions.

In order to prevent scars after treatment, the surgeon tries to make surgical incisions in the natural lines of the body or in the brown area of ​​the chest. For this treatment, a part of the tissue is left under the nipple of the breast so that the nipple of the breast does not become sunken and look like a donut. Of course, keep in mind that remaining tissue can cause gynecomastia to occur again and the breast will return to its original state.

wound bandage

The structure of scars is completely different from each other. A scar is a natural process that occurs to replace damaged skin on the body. It is possible to create scars on the skin for various reasons such as surgery, various injuries and skin damage (accidents, burns, etc.).
If the complication of gynecomastia has been resolved only with liposuction, the scars will be somewhat unrecognizable. But if there is a need to remove breast tissue or skin, the scars that are created will be bigger and more obvious. Or the nipples may be asymmetrical or permanently numb.

Preoperative measures

Consultation with a cosmetic surgery specialist and review of needs and expectations and

During the consultation session, the cosmetic surgery specialist listens carefully to your wishes and needs and provides you with the necessary guidance. The cosmetic specialist will determine the best breast surgery method according to your body structure and the shape of your breasts. Consultation with a cosmetic specialist for gynecomastia cosmetic surgery is an important step.

Pre-surgery tests and examinations

The first step before gynecomastia surgery is consultation with a cosmetic surgery specialist. At this stage, the plastic surgeon will collect your medical history. In this meeting, you should clearly define your goals and expectations from the surgery.

Then, to ensure the health status, blood tests and images of the muscles and breast tissues are performed with advanced technologies. These tests help the doctor identify potential problems and give you a better outcome for surgery. Tests and examinations before gynecomastia surgery are very important and play an important role in the success of this surgery. By doing these steps, you can proceed with surgery more confidently.

Pre-surgery tests and examinations

Care after breast reduction surgery

After surgery, you will be transferred to the ward. Here, you need rest and care. A cosmetic surgeon will help you reduce the pain and complications associated with surgery. Also, it will explain to you the instructions regarding the exercises and the type of clothing.

Finally, it is important to work with a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon in the field of gynecomastia cosmetic surgery and tell him all your questions and concerns.

Important points in the postoperative period and wound care

After gynecomastia cosmetic surgery, proper wound care and recovery period are very important.

Cleanliness and changes of wounds

After surgery, the wounds should be carefully cleaned and disinfected and a clean bed should be provided for them. The cosmetic surgeon will guide you on how to dress the wounds. Also, it is very important to change the bandages on time on the date determined by the doctor.

Medicines and prescriptions

Your doctor may prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to control pain and inflammation after surgery. Follow the prescription instructions carefully and inform your doctor if you experience any unpleasant symptoms or side effects.

Nutrition and relaxation

In the post-surgery period, proper nutrition and adequate rest are of great importance for a faster and better recovery. It is recommended to eat foods rich in protein and vitamins and avoid heavy activities to experience a better and faster recovery.

Nutrition and relaxation

Follow up

Also, it is very important to stay in touch with your doctor during the post-surgery period. If you have any concerns or questions, discuss them with your doctor. Your cosmetic surgeon will be the best person to guide you.

The period after gynecomastia cosmetic surgery requires careful care and attention. By observing the important points determined by your doctor and cooperating properly with him, you will have a good recovery and get the desired result.

During the recovery period of gynecomastia surgery, a dressing or bandage is placed on the surgical site, and an elastic bandage or a special bandage may be prescribed by the plastic surgeon to reduce swelling and pain after the surgery.

People who have undergone breast reduction surgery, in order to recover faster and prevent complications, should pay much attention to the tips and care after the surgery and should not be negligent in this regard.

Consumable drugs

taking some herbal and chemical drugs; Including aspirin , ibuprofen, vitamin E , and such things that lead to blood coagulation disorders, are prohibited for some time after gynecomastia surgery, and people should refrain from taking them.

Consumable drugs


Smoking and drinking alcohol lead to a delay in the healing process of breast reduction surgery; Therefore, people should avoid consuming them for a while.


People who have undergone gynecomastia surgery should avoid going to the bathroom for a while; It is better to follow its exact duration from your cosmetic surgery specialist.

how to sleep

During the recovery period of gynecomastia surgery, people should avoid sleeping on their backs and sides and should always sleep with an open arch in order to avoid pressure.

It should be noted that making a 30-degree angle while sleeping and resting during gynecomastia recovery helps to speed up the healing process of swelling and bruising caused by it; For this purpose, you can place two pillows under your head.

Reduction of swelling after gynecomastia surgery

After surgery, it is recommended to use an ice compress to reduce swelling. Due to the numbness of the breasts, if the ice compress is placed directly on the skin, it may cause damage to the skin, and to prevent this from happening, you can wrap the ice compress around a towel and use it every few minutes.

Activity and exercise after gynecomastia

Activity and exercise after gynecomastia

During the recovery period of gynecomastia surgery, people should avoid doing any movement that causes pressure on the surgical incisions. Of course, absolute rest and no movement is wrong, try to go for a walk because this increases the possibility of blood clots. decreases. Walking reduces the swelling and bruising of the operation site.
Among the points that should be taken into account:

Do not move heavy objects for 4 to 6 weeks.
Do not do sports activities that may cause an impact on your chest.
Do not return to work until you have fully recovered, this time varies between 1-2 days or 2 weeks depending on your condition. You can resume your social activities after two weeks.

Avoid heavy sports activities for at least 2 weeks after gynecomastia. After that, you can repeat all the exercises except the ones that focus on your chest.

During this period, take a leave from your workplace; Because resting and not doing much activity can help you get the results you want and recover faster.

Nutrition after gynecomastia surgery

Staying hydrated is very important for your health, especially after surgery. Always carry a bottle of water with you and drink it regularly. Eating a healthy diet will help you recover faster and avoid eating processed foods. Limit your sodium intake; Because it increases inflation. Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Eating right will nourish your body from the inside out and help you heal faster.

Nutrition after gynecomastia surgery

Driving after surgery

Painkillers are sedating, so don’t drive while you have to. You can drive again when your doctor stops taking these drugs and you can move your arms properly.

Massage and use lotion

After the scar is healed, you can massage it and the cosmetic surgery specialist will suggest you a special gel and lotion to reduce the scar and its bleeding.

After performing the gynecomastia surgery, the highly specialized cosmetic surgeon provides the care that the patient must follow and perform after the surgery. The recovery period after gynecomastia surgery has a direct effect on the results of this surgery. For this reason, fully following the tips given by the cosmetic surgeon and taking care after the surgery will lead to a quick recovery.

This surgery is less risky than other surgeries, and if you go to the best surgeon, it will not cause complications.